+ [2014-07-02T22:01:26Z] fluxsource page.layout just gets me 'default' every time
+ [2014-07-02T22:54:35Z] bret DeVol you may also look at http://www.mkdocs.org/
+ [2014-07-02T22:54:56Z] bret which can be built from a git repo and hosted for free at readthedocs.org
+ [2014-07-02T22:55:51Z] bret its geared towards static documentation websites, wheras jekyll is a static site generator that is generally used for blogs
+ [2014-07-02T22:56:06Z] bret either work work though

message no. 26056

Posted by sunbeam in #jekyll at 2014-07-02T10:40:18Z

whats a good way in jekyll to handle a simple contact form, with *only* a textarea and input field for email ?
+ [2014-07-03T00:48:22Z] DeVol bret; cool link! tnx :)
+ [2014-07-03T00:58:20Z] DeVol also checkout out https://github.com/hplgit/doconce
+ [2014-07-03T00:58:34Z] DeVol s/checkout/checking
+ [2014-07-03T07:13:47Z] vipsy Jekyll not installing on Fedora 20?