+ [2013-06-20T20:06:52Z] RobW_ Has anyone set up RedCarpet 2 on Jekyll with Smartypants?
+ [2013-06-20T20:07:29Z] RobW_ Or maybe I should say the Redcarpet2 Smartypants implimentation with Jekyll.
+ [2013-06-20T23:30:10Z] Oli I've got a bootstrap build directory that is (relative to my jekyll root) `../bootstrap/bootstrap`. I've tried `include: ["../bootstrap/bootstrap"]` in _config.yml but it doesn't seem to want to do it. Is there a trick to making this do what I think it does?
+ [2013-06-20T23:32:00Z] jaybe Oli, when jekyll builds and 'publishes', it does so presuming a web root path of / unless otherwise specified. so, likely, you're probably just wanting to including bootstrap elements such as CSS, .js, etc. via domain.tld/bootstrap

message no. 3219

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2013-06-20T23:32:00Z

Oli, when jekyll builds and 'publishes', it does so presuming a web root path of / unless otherwise specified. so, likely, you're probably just wanting to including bootstrap elements such as CSS, .js, etc. via domain.tld/bootstrap
+ [2013-06-21T00:17:26Z] odra Hello :D
+ [2013-06-21T00:19:00Z] odra Can someone explain me why {{ paginator.page }} prints nothing? Is it supposed to do that if I don't have enough posts to make two pages?
+ [2013-06-21T16:56:59Z] RobW_ Anyone know of a filter that converts a file name to jekyll url?
+ [2013-06-21T17:00:25Z] MrGlass_1 Hi. I'm a dev trying to get started usign github pages/jekyll. I want to create my own custom layout, are there any good guides on doing that? everything im finding is about how to use an existing theme/site
+ [2013-06-21T17:03:22Z] jaybe MrGlass_1, i would begin by looking at jekyllrb.com. notice the layout/responsiveness. you have access to that code. check out the repo for jekyll fro github and examine the source for the site.