+ [2014-07-25T06:09:36Z] Seven1 ok thx alot
+ [2014-07-25T06:19:00Z] pontiki g'night, all
+ [2014-07-25T19:05:41Z] Trynemjoel How should I set up baseurl for it not to brake on my Github Pages when using CNAME?
+ [2014-07-25T19:11:49Z] Trynemjoel Found my answer! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22278034/broken-links-and-layout-after-referring-custom-domain-to-jekyll-generated-github
+ [2014-07-25T19:12:12Z] Trynemjoel One damn slash too much in the existing links.

message no. 32651

Posted by Seven1 in #jekyll at 2014-07-25T06:08:34Z

i though it makes things simple
+ [2014-07-26T02:41:33Z] mns how do I tell jekyll which Javascript engine to use ? I want it to use rhino.
+ [2014-07-26T02:52:25Z] felixkiss hey guys, what is the best way to make fenced code blocks (including line numbers) work for a standard jekyll 2.1.1 blog?
+ [2014-07-26T05:22:16Z] mikechelen has anyone experimented with uuid for permalinks?
+ [2014-07-26T05:22:38Z] mikechelen i hate it when renaming an article breaks previous links to that article
+ [2014-07-26T05:22:55Z] mikechelen and i would prefer to not manually set up redirects each time