+[12 years ago]jasonwryannope. wtf. +[12 years ago]jasonwryanfuck me. Uninstalled ruby, deleted .gems and .rubies and *still* the same error +[12 years ago]pontikiyikes +[12 years ago]atmosxhi +[12 years ago]atmosxI'm deployinga new post, the frontpage though remains the same, any ideas? THe post can be seen on 'archives'
+[12 years ago]inqueHello again! Is there an updated twitter aside or is it totally deprecated? +[12 years ago]pontikiwhen did it get depricated? +[12 years ago]pontikioh wait -- my misunderstanding +[12 years ago]pontikii thought you were talking about twitter bootstrap +[12 years ago]inqueI'm talking about twitter aside. I've read that since they updated their API Octopress stopped it's own aside "recent tweets"