+ [2014-07-28T15:44:06Z] pontiki have it serve up a couplet from _The Captain's Wife's Lament_ :)
+ [2014-07-28T18:30:11Z] mikechelen Trynemjoel: hmm weird
+ [2014-07-28T22:05:18Z] Naeblis_ Hello. I'm getting "Conversion error: There was an error converting 'css/styles.scss' with Jekyll 2.1.1. It seems that jekyll sees the sass file as a css one. Any way to fix this?
+ [2014-07-28T22:06:47Z] Naeblis_ According to this page: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/assets/ It should work
+ [2014-07-28T22:19:19Z] pontiki are you sure there isn't an error in it?

message no. 33304

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2014-07-28T05:48:47Z

+ [2014-07-29T06:21:11Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jemoji#26 (gemoji-2) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jemoji/builds/31111055
+ [2014-07-29T18:43:52Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] jekyll/jekyll#4037 (pygments-opts-sanitize) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/31167242
+ [2014-07-29T19:58:00Z] kaffeebohne Hi, somehow my ./css/style.sass is not processed, why could that be?
+ [2014-07-29T19:58:32Z] kaffeebohne ah, missed the "--- ---"