+ [2014-08-02T22:51:56Z] pontiki or rbenv, or chruby, etc...
+ [2014-08-02T22:55:23Z] jaybe for some reason, `rbenv install 2.0.0-dev` fails/times out trying to download what it needs; good stuff. annoying.
+ [2014-08-02T22:56:28Z] jaybe http://pyyaml.org/download/libyaml/yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz ...... curl: (56) Recv failure: Connection reset by peer
+ [2014-08-02T23:01:02Z] jaybe what a stupid fucking annoying mess
+ [2014-08-02T23:01:04Z] jaybe ;\ :(

message no. 35141

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-08-02T03:29:53Z

gnusosa, you might be able to do so with front matter defaults; i believe an issue was recently closed that fixed/provided that
+ [2014-08-03T03:53:38Z] tuananh i would like to do some regex and replace on posts' content. Example like replace Wordpress with WordPress. what kind of plugin is best suitable for this ?
+ [2014-08-03T04:52:59Z] jaybe i don't understand why a clean install of jekyll does not install a usable javascript runtime. isn't that a dependency and necessary/required?
+ [2014-08-03T04:55:45Z] tuananh execjs required it. we should do dependency check recursively all
+ [2014-08-03T11:39:59Z] hnk hi all
+ [2014-08-03T11:42:51Z] hnk I am trying to use a variable inside a tag in jekyll. like so: {% my_tag {{ post.url }} %}