+ [2014-08-07T15:38:52Z] jbleuzen doesn't work I guess ?
+ [2014-08-07T15:40:48Z] nevvkid_ it works just like in django. thanks
+ [2014-08-07T22:35:47Z] jordila dear #jekyll community
+ [2014-08-07T22:36:51Z] jordila newbie here... https://jordila.github.io/ how can i switch 'Blog' to 'Archives' to become the landing page ?
+ [2014-08-07T22:37:38Z] jordila Anyone could give me a pointer ? thanks for your attention

message no. 37760

Posted by jbleuzen in #jekyll at 2014-08-07T15:38:52Z

doesn't work I guess ?
+ [2014-08-08T09:21:27Z] pdostal Hi there :)
+ [2014-08-09T08:58:39Z] Arr0way Hi guys, playing with Jekyllrb for a new personal site project - I've used the quick-start instructions on the home page and that's running fine, I manually created another post file and it renders the page as just text - no formatting
+ [2014-08-09T08:58:53Z] Arr0way as if there was no css etc
+ [2014-08-09T08:59:10Z] Arr0way yet the example page renders fine
+ [2014-08-09T08:59:40Z] Arr0way do i have to re-generate the pages? (like with octopress)