+[12 years ago]stlit'd be nice if i could get, say, a list of the posts as it goes along so i could narrow it down +[12 years ago]stlktrace also didn't help because it processes them after reading them all in... +[12 years ago]stloh. i see the error is in trying to tell me where it's at +[12 years ago]RobW_Is there a reason that a liquid plugin would be unable to write to the _site folder? +[12 years ago]RobW_Found out it is copying, but before the _site folder is cleaned.
message no. 4103
Posted by RobW_ in #jekyll at 2013-07-04T21:21:09Z
Found out it is copying, but before the _site folder is cleaned.
+[12 years ago]jaybemojobot boo +[12 years ago]RobW_Is there a way to alter the site's configuration settings from a liquid plugin? +[12 years ago]RobW_Any suggestions on adding configuration programatically? +[12 years ago]RobW_I thought about monkey patching the configuration DEFAULTs, but I need to read an option in the config.yml... +[12 years ago]travis-ci[travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/maul-esel/jekyll/builds/8764123