+ [2013-07-13T13:52:07Z] jaybe shadyabh1, perhaps share 'that gist' you refer to
+ [2013-07-13T14:10:50Z] p91 hi,
+ [2013-07-13T14:11:03Z] p91 I also am still stuck with my header and MathJax problem.
+ [2013-07-13T14:11:28Z] p91 is tehre maybe a way for a plugin to alter the header of the page or to add something to the fotter?
+ [2013-07-13T17:29:28Z] shadyabh1 jaybe: Nothing special. Just the famous https://gist.github.com/juniorz/1564581 (comes first in google search so it's bound to work)

message no. 4694

Posted by jaybe in #octopress at 2013-07-13T13:52:07Z

shadyabh1, perhaps share 'that gist' you refer to
+ [2013-07-14T17:39:44Z] empika hallo
+ [2013-07-14T17:41:30Z] empika I have just upgrade to the latest octopress and i seem to be having an issue with my categories
+ [2013-07-14T17:42:01Z] empika any category page lists all the posts, rather than just the posts in that category
+ [2013-07-14T17:42:03Z] empika any ideas?
+ [2013-07-14T17:42:22Z] empika eg, http://eddy.parr.is/blog/categories/misc/