+ [2014-09-26T20:30:11Z] RockyTV how do I remove it?
+ [2014-09-26T20:35:23Z] RockyTV changed permalink to pretty, now it wont work
+ [2014-09-26T23:32:51Z] phillipadsmith pontiki: Thanks (very delayed response)
+ [2014-09-26T23:33:10Z] phillipadsmith still lots of work to be done, but it's a start.
+ [2014-09-26T23:33:34Z] phillipadsmith Does anyone know the status of Jekyll Compose?

message no. 49643

Posted by phillipadsmith in #jekyll at 2014-09-26T23:32:51Z

pontiki: Thanks (very delayed response)
+ [2014-09-27T01:32:12Z] pontiki i wrote a think like compose, but i haven't done much more than wha seems to be in compose
+ [2014-09-27T01:34:01Z] pontiki https://github.com/tamouse/jekyllpress
+ [2014-09-27T01:34:15Z] pontiki too many projects...
+ [2014-09-27T02:04:34Z] jaybe what does jekyll-compose... 'do'?
+ [2014-09-27T02:04:57Z] jaybe shortcuts? i.e. jekyll new post 'llamas-rule' ?