+ [2014-09-27T19:40:54Z] pontiki http://blog.tamouse.org/misc/2014/09/27/converting-blog-to-pure-jekyll.html
+ [2014-09-27T21:31:10Z] bbear do you know if it is possible to have the _posts folder with directories in it and still be able to build the blog, *with the recursive structure builded by jekyll* ?
+ [2014-09-27T22:23:25Z] bret bbear: not sure what you mean. subdirs in _posts are flattened
+ [2014-09-27T22:23:42Z] bret you can use them for internal sorted but are ignored otherwise
+ [2014-09-27T22:28:07Z] bret there has been discussion of using subdirs to assign categories or tags, but nothing implemented yet

message no. 49648

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2014-09-27T01:34:15Z

too many projects...
+ [2014-09-28T00:06:51Z] jaybe well, head-end subdirectories do become categories; e.g. /categoryA/categoryB/_posts/llama-rule.md
+ [2014-09-28T00:07:15Z] jaybe this has been this way since early days
+ [2014-09-28T00:08:33Z] bbear ha ok
+ [2014-09-28T00:08:53Z] bbear I am not sure I saw this on the documentation
+ [2014-09-28T00:21:32Z] jaybe bbear, http://jekyllrb.com/docs/variables/#page-variables