+ [2014-10-01T01:50:47Z] jaybe i have some liquid within site.data variable and wish to call on it as rendered
+ [2014-10-01T02:34:28Z] pontiki i read recently someone implementing liquify, but i can't remember where that was
+ [2014-10-01T02:59:55Z] jaybe and since when is {{ page.dir }} a documented variable?
+ [2014-10-01T03:18:44Z] pontiki i don't know...
+ [2014-10-01T03:21:34Z] jaybe it exists but i don't see it in the docs; funky

message no. 50492

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2014-10-01T03:21:34Z

it exists but i don't see it in the docs; funky
+ [2014-10-02T14:20:12Z] tombell anyone know if there are any other plugins that offer better permalink support?
+ [2014-10-02T14:21:36Z] jaybe what does "better permalink support", mean?
+ [2014-10-02T14:29:24Z] tombell being able to include "page" data in the URL
+ [2014-10-02T14:29:31Z] tombell rather than everything being based on the file name
+ [2014-10-02T14:31:00Z] jaybe one can specify any permalink: value desired within any page or post