+ [2014-10-08T20:47:04Z] itop phillipadsmith: Thank you for your response. I'm looking to do something like this (http://imgur.com/npXvOrL) where each red block is an image in a folder.
+ [2014-10-08T20:48:44Z] phillipadsmith itop: how are you going to provide the path for each image (in a folder) to a Jekyll template?
+ [2014-10-08T20:49:23Z] phillipadsmith itop: have you looked at using something like this? https://github.com/ggreer/jekyll-gallery-generator
+ [2014-10-08T20:49:58Z] itop phillipadsmith: I'm assigning the name of the folder in the front-matter and the files will be named similarly. So "/some-person/some-person-1.jpg" for example.
+ [2014-10-08T20:50:07Z] itop phillipadsmith: Thank you. I'll take a look!

message no. 52510

Posted by kile in #jekyll at 2014-10-08T18:08:43Z

I mean something like {% for post in site.posts | where blablalb %}
+ [2014-10-09T10:59:37Z] anandthakker Question about collections. The docs (http://jekyllrb.com/docs/collections/) say that for a doc in a collection, doc.output should have the rendered output of the document. I’m getting nothing, even though doc.content contains the unrendered content. Any ideas?
+ [2014-10-09T13:57:08Z] ilhami hello I tried to deploy my site to my host. that didn't work out well.
+ [2014-10-09T13:57:21Z] ilhami I put the _site folder in the root folder.
+ [2014-10-09T14:00:27Z] jaybe ilhami, hi; how are you deploying?
+ [2014-10-09T14:01:33Z] ilhami I am upload the autogenerated _site folder to the root of my host.. in public_html