+ [2013-07-15T22:59:17Z] jaybe re: your question: a server(s), the jekyll release, and something that does processing; e.g. compass, etc… … on, available, and 'watching'. develop locally/wherever, push/sync changes up to server… rsync, or git even, … upon detected changes, everything rebuilds. if that's your desire. or … do it all locally and just push the rendered site to the web server.
+ [2013-07-15T23:00:29Z] jaybe for some purposes, i have a/the server 'watching' for changes to the source/build tree… and jekyll and compass, etc. take action when new files are dropped in (in whatever manner i've determined for that project; e.g. git, rsync, ftp, webdav, .. … heh - or IMAP, in a couple cases.)
+ [2013-07-15T23:00:37Z] edrex no, i'm talking about preprocessing CSS on a workstation, commiting the result, and pushing to GH, where GH's Jekyll will finish the build.
+ [2013-07-15T23:01:23Z] jaybe that's already possible and how it currently works unless i'm not completely understanding
+ [2013-07-15T23:01:49Z] jaybe if you preprocess locally, then simply commit to GH pages… it will build/publish as expected.

message no. 5259

Posted by bret in #jekyll at 2013-07-15T00:33:21Z

Whaaaa? is it out?
+ [2013-07-16T00:14:33Z] RobW_ Is there a way to parse a tag argument that's a liquid property?
+ [2013-07-16T00:15:11Z] RobW_ e.g., {% tag {{ arg }} %}. I know I've seen a post on this somewhere but can't find it right now.
+ [2013-07-16T00:46:07Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] kelvinst/jekyll#50 (deprecator-powerup) The build is still failing. http://travis-ci.org/kelvinst/jekyll/builds/9120218
+ [2013-07-16T01:14:04Z] RobW_ Is there any way to get render context in the liquid initialize method?
+ [2013-07-16T01:37:30Z] mattr edrex: i wonder if perhaps you're overcomplicating things a bit.