+ [2014-10-18T22:30:48Z] andrewfree Is there a way to start a code block w/ line numbers at not line 1?
+ [2014-10-18T22:30:54Z] andrewfree Like if it is part of a bigger file
+ [2014-10-18T23:45:35Z] mchelen andrewfree: yes
+ [2014-10-18T23:47:16Z] mchelen andrewfree: i think it's with startno=#
+ [2014-10-18T23:48:31Z] mchelen but i dont remember exactly

message no. 54389

Posted by andrewfree in #jekyll at 2014-10-18T22:30:54Z

Like if it is part of a bigger file
+ [2014-10-19T00:58:43Z] b-jazz I'm trying to write a generator in Ruby and I've noticed that config file data is available as site.config['foobar'], but not by site.foobar
+ [2014-10-19T00:59:17Z] b-jazz is that a bug, or some odd timing thing where generators are called before the config is transformed in global variables?
+ [2014-10-19T01:01:32Z] pontiki are you confusing what's available in liquid templates with ruby code?
+ [2014-10-19T02:42:13Z] HewloThere Hey guys! I'm making a website, and I need to have an online post manager for Jekyll. Is that possible with a login form that is a markdown editor and edits files within the posts folder?
+ [2014-10-19T04:11:03Z] b-jazz pontiki: I think I might be. Thanks for pointing that out. (I'm very new to jekyll.)