+ [2014-10-19T01:01:32Z] pontiki are you confusing what's available in liquid templates with ruby code?
+ [2014-10-19T02:42:13Z] HewloThere Hey guys! I'm making a website, and I need to have an online post manager for Jekyll. Is that possible with a login form that is a markdown editor and edits files within the posts folder?
+ [2014-10-19T04:11:03Z] b-jazz pontiki: I think I might be. Thanks for pointing that out. (I'm very new to jekyll.)
+ [2014-10-19T04:12:03Z] pontiki sure, b-jazz, it's pretty confusing at first.
+ [2014-10-19T04:12:31Z] pontiki i kept trying to write ruby in liquid templates until i learned

message no. 54395

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2014-10-19T01:01:32Z

are you confusing what's available in liquid templates with ruby code?
+ [2014-10-20T19:44:33Z] henne hey peepz :-) I have a problem with a gem's dir not being added to the load path
+ [2014-10-20T19:44:39Z] henne any idea how to debug that?
+ [2014-10-20T19:50:38Z] henne specifically bourbon+neat+bitters
+ [2014-10-20T19:56:52Z] iamcarrico henne: Are you using Compass to compile?
+ [2014-10-20T19:57:02Z] iamcarrico Oh, wrong channel..