+ [2013-07-18T14:14:04Z] goles lolo
+ [2013-07-18T14:14:07Z] goles *lol, yes
+ [2013-07-18T14:55:40Z] justatheory So, I have installed rdiscount-2.1.6 and deleted /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/rdiscount- But now Octopress cannot find rdiscount.
+ [2013-07-18T14:55:49Z] justatheory Anyone know how I can tell it where to find it?
+ [2013-07-18T15:08:13Z] justatheory Ah, had to update the Gemfile with the proper version.

message no. 5605

Posted by jaybe in #octopress at 2013-07-18T14:13:21Z

goles, same answer i just gave you in another channel. :)
+ [2013-07-21T03:28:13Z] goles Hey guys, anyone around?
+ [2013-07-21T03:50:05Z] goles Why the hell does octopress use jekyll 0.12
+ [2013-07-21T03:53:09Z] jrobeson the next version won't..
+ [2013-07-21T03:54:24Z] goles jrobeson: it's insane, I'm fighting a problem with UTF-8 in octopress urls which I think was fixed like 3 years ago by jekyll ...