+[2014-11-15T14:24:21Z]wsmoakI’m confused about what actually parses/converts a .md file in _posts. +[2014-11-15T22:30:57Z]n8ohello! +[2014-11-15T22:31:12Z]n8otrying to make my first jekyll site: a series of product pages for my iPhone apps +[2014-11-15T22:31:47Z]n8oi don't really have a single 'content' block, I have a bunch per app: feature lists, description, screenshots, icon +[2014-11-15T22:32:13Z]n8oright now I have a page for each with a giant yaml front matter section and nearly no content. is there a better way?
message no. 61252
Posted by parkr in #jekyll at 2014-11-15T09:13:34Z
+[2014-11-16T00:08:40Z]pontikin8o: that's a fine way of doing things. you might also take a look into the _data directory +[2014-11-16T03:04:37Z]n8opontiki: _data is interesting +[2014-11-16T03:05:08Z]n8ois there a way to assign a given data file for a given file, so that I can turn _data/product1.json into product1.html +[2014-11-16T18:11:01Z]Darknetok, i don't know what i am doing wrong, but. i can't manage to get Jekyll installed. +[2014-11-16T18:11:25Z]jaybewhat/how are you attempting?