+ [2014-11-28T11:05:14Z] ePirat or null?
+ [2014-11-28T11:09:35Z] core77 i saw null somewhere...
+ [2014-11-28T11:09:52Z] ePirat thanks
+ [2014-11-28T11:09:56Z] ePirat null did the trick
+ [2014-11-28T11:10:04Z] core77 nice bro ;-)

message no. 63980

Posted by ePirat in #jekyll at 2014-11-28T11:05:12Z

layout: none?
+ [2014-11-29T01:18:19Z] indolering What's the state of localization support on Jekyll?
+ [2014-11-29T01:18:36Z] indolering There are a few blogs that point out different approaches, but nothing that is standard.
+ [2014-11-29T01:19:14Z] indolering I would also prefer to have localized URLs (which the most popular how-to does not support).
+ [2014-11-29T16:07:25Z] jaybe quoteworthy: "Incremental regeneration is in the pipeline. Will be out for 2.6.0." :)
+ [2014-11-29T18:06:01Z] pontiki wow!!