+ [2013-08-08T22:34:05Z] mandelbr0t Is octopress worth it if I haven't used jekyll at all?
+ [2013-08-09T01:05:15Z] pontiki what an interesting question...
+ [2013-08-09T01:09:56Z] jaybe i flip back here to re-read it once in a while when my head itches so i can have a good scratch.
+ [2013-08-09T02:20:11Z] mandelbr0t Does anyone have any good info on using octopress with ajax calls to load blog posts?
+ [2013-08-09T02:29:49Z] pontiki why would you use octopress for that?

message no. 6502

Posted by pontiki in #octopress at 2013-08-09T01:05:15Z

what an interesting question...
+ [2013-08-10T11:00:58Z] danielhq ajpiano = adam sontag? :D
+ [2013-08-10T11:11:50Z] danielhq anyway i'm struggling with the installation of octopress, can anybody have a look at my repo and tell if if everything is in place?
+ [2013-08-10T11:11:56Z] danielhq https://github.com/danielhq/danielhq.github.io
+ [2013-08-10T11:12:11Z] danielhq now i have commit the CNAME