+ [2014-12-10T22:48:55Z] claw same error
+ [2014-12-10T22:49:44Z] claw https://github.com/jekyll/classifier-reborn/issues/26
+ [2014-12-10T22:49:45Z] jekyllrb Title: undefined method `reduce · Issue #26 · jekyll/classifier-reborn · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2014-12-10T22:49:45Z] jaybe not sure what/why that is then. reduce is a minify type gem.
+ [2014-12-10T22:49:55Z] jaybe try removing the LSI and building

message no. 65517

Posted by jekyllrb in #jekyll at 2014-12-10T22:49:45Z

Title: undefined method `reduce · Issue #26 · jekyll/classifier-reborn · GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2014-12-11T15:22:24Z] allcentury hi all - I have a site that uses an older version of jekyll. I want to upgrade but am I forced to rebuild the folder/directory structure manually?
+ [2014-12-11T15:23:09Z] allcentury For instance, I added a post _posts and now it's complaining about nothing in _layouts (a folder I didnt' previous have). Should I continue through this process or is there a way to rebuild the directory structure without losing my existing content
+ [2014-12-11T15:27:11Z] jaybe allcentury, hello. you probably need at least a default layout.
+ [2014-12-11T15:27:27Z] jaybe i.e. ./_layouts/default.html
+ [2014-12-11T15:27:51Z] jaybe i believe we enhanced to ensure there is always at least a default layout called if not specified