+[2014-12-26T22:09:56Z]Alirezai add this to the _plugin folder and pass content by pipe but serve throughs error and won't run +[2014-12-26T22:11:20Z]Alirezahttp://prntscr.com/5l9djw +[2014-12-26T22:11:21Z]jekyllrbTitle: Screenshot by Lightshot (at prntscr.com) +[2014-12-26T22:12:41Z]Alirezaanyone? +[2014-12-26T22:26:24Z]Alirezais there anyone online at all?
i add this to the _plugin folder and pass content by pipe but serve throughs error and won't run
+[2014-12-27T01:04:00Z]zactsis there a good way to auto convert from nikola to jekyll? +[2014-12-27T01:04:16Z]zactsor perhaps I should just copy my markdown files into the proper jekyll subdir +[2014-12-27T01:04:24Z]zactsyeah, I think I've answered my own question +[2014-12-27T01:04:53Z]zactswhat are some good resources for doing my own themes for jekyll? +[2014-12-27T01:05:18Z]zactsand must I know ruby to do this?