+ [2013-08-26T02:43:35Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-import/compare/4141a17144a0...eeeb2494b8c2
+ [2013-08-26T21:06:38Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1628 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/10640366
+ [2013-08-26T21:12:19Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1629 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/10640433
+ [2013-08-26T21:21:21Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1631 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/10640550

message no. 7066

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2013-08-26T00:12:25Z

pontiki, in order to pragmatically conjure/call/produce a list of related items, there must be relatable meta, such as categories… and other chosen meta. you could do directories only but you'll likely be forcing yourself to have to develop and use plugins to parse the directories
+ [2013-08-27T03:56:11Z] _AJ Is there a recommended jekyll site search plugin? The one listed on the plugin page hasn't been updated in 2 years.
+ [2013-08-27T16:21:36Z] GreatPotato I see that headings automatically get a nice ID for anchoring...
+ [2013-08-27T16:22:04Z] GreatPotato When looping through my post list, is there a way to get the post name in a same "id/class friendly" format?
+ [2013-08-27T16:22:15Z] jaybe GreatPotato, they can… if the markdown processor is configured to provide it.