+ [2013-08-26T02:43:35Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] Change view : https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-import/compare/4141a17144a0...eeeb2494b8c2
+ [2013-08-26T21:06:38Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1628 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/10640366
+ [2013-08-26T21:12:19Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1629 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/10640433
+ [2013-08-26T21:21:21Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] mojombo/jekyll#1631 (master) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/mojombo/jekyll/builds/10640550

message no. 7148

Posted by troyswanson in #jekyll at 2013-08-26T21:49:02Z

hello all
+ [2013-08-27T03:56:11Z] _AJ Is there a recommended jekyll site search plugin? The one listed on the plugin page hasn't been updated in 2 years.
+ [2013-08-27T16:21:36Z] GreatPotato I see that headings automatically get a nice ID for anchoring...
+ [2013-08-27T16:22:04Z] GreatPotato When looping through my post list, is there a way to get the post name in a same "id/class friendly" format?
+ [2013-08-27T16:22:15Z] jaybe GreatPotato, they can… if the markdown processor is configured to provide it.