+[2015-01-13T23:15:03Z]ioonerjaybe thx. But nothing in the doc :/ +[2015-01-13T23:16:55Z]iooneri don't have code to send. i don't have error it's just a question. In "{% for post in paginator.posts %}" is it possible to add a condition not before not after if i do "{% for post in paginator.posts %} and the if" i will have trouble with number of post on my page +[2015-01-13T23:20:45Z]jaybewrite code to test it to see if it will work. and let us know. :) +[2015-01-13T23:21:45Z]iooneri've tested but it's logic +[2015-01-13T23:22:20Z]ioonerI just ask if this feature exist
message no. 73066
Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-01-13T23:20:45Z
write code to test it to see if it will work. and let us know. :)
+[2015-01-14T00:41:52Z]jaybefinding myself getting bitten by and needing -f during design/development/playtime +[2015-01-14T01:09:10Z]jaybeanyone have experience providing an alert for successful rebuild? i.e. upon completion? +[2015-01-14T01:09:18Z]jaybeexperience/solutions +[2015-01-14T05:29:02Z]pontikievening, all +[2015-01-14T10:01:17Z]kenshinjihello, guys