+[2015-02-27T20:26:04Z]jaybenorth_coaster, see the link provided; and look it up! :) +[2015-02-27T20:26:05Z]jaybewelcome +[2015-02-27T20:26:44Z]jaybenorth_coaster, in short summary, you had a older version of psych that was conflicting +[2015-02-27T20:26:54Z]north_coasterjaybe : will do. I'm still new to CLI and gems, and even still I'm def more of a frontend web guy +[2015-02-27T20:27:02Z]north_coasterjaybe : gotcha.
message no. 81518
Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-02-27T03:33:13Z
+[2015-03-01T08:26:40Z]yaronrhow do I add an image that takes the full width of the viewport? +[2015-03-01T11:45:55Z]zactshum.. I wonder where I may find a bunch of nice jekyll/liquid themes? +[2015-03-01T15:33:42Z]jaybezacts, the googles is often helpful for such ;) +[2015-03-01T15:34:26Z]jaybezacts, consider starting with the default 'jekyll new' theme. also check out 'mdo' themes (poole, lanyon) etc. +[2015-03-01T15:37:30Z]yaronri've just started with jekyll yesterday. using 'singlepaged' theme. how do I set a background image for a 'post' that fills the whole width of the screen?