+[2015-03-09T20:12:03Z]penki will probably play with new templates - this is functrional, but sparse. +[2015-03-09T20:12:45Z]kaffeeboehnchenI actually like the new style, the old one (pre 2.0) was even more sparse. +[2015-03-09T20:12:56Z]kaffeeboehnchenAnd purple if I remember correctly. :D +[2015-03-09T20:13:30Z]penkyeah, this si fine for now. i needed osmething up and urnning before this weekend, and this is all checked into github, so i can work on it locally, and just publish it as needed. +[2015-03-09T20:14:06Z]kaffeeboehnchenYeah, it is perfect for a quick build. :)
+[2015-03-10T01:04:12Z]penkhmm. anyone set up jekyll-ga? reading the site on it - this is from 2013. is this still how to get GA data out of a jekyll site? +[2015-03-10T01:04:25Z]penklooking at: https://github.com/developmentseed/jekyll-ga +[2015-03-10T01:04:26Z]jekyllrbTitle: developmentseed/jekyll-ga ยท GitHub (at github.com) +[2015-03-10T02:10:43Z]jaybepenk, the jekyllrb.com site source has a great example of two type of analytics for review :) +[2015-03-10T02:11:05Z]penkjaybe: hi jaybe - i found this page: http://joshualande.com/jekyll-github-pages-poole/