+ [2015-03-13T18:08:54Z] lxer yes, i could replace my own login system with oauth, but I want to avoid that.
+ [2015-03-13T18:09:04Z] lxer (using django, btw)
+ [2015-03-13T19:06:31Z] ythej can anyone tell me where I can discuss about GSoC project ?
+ [2015-03-13T20:52:41Z] crystal77 How do I filter pull requests by author (but more than one) -> author:name,name2 doesn't work
+ [2015-03-13T20:54:16Z] terratoma can i update someone else's ssh public key through the api? in github enterprise

message no. 83681

Posted by flavi0 in #github at 2015-03-13T12:03:28Z

hi. i want to use a dedicated ssh key for github. i generated the key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa.github[.pub] and uploaded that public key on the webpage. now how can i make the standard git client 1. pick that key and 2. use the right username per default?
+ [2015-03-14T01:47:16Z] KushS My GET request to https://api.github.com/repositories on nodejs returns a string. JSON.parse() on it to return array of JSON give the error: Unexpected token u
+ [2015-03-14T04:42:43Z] razieliyo can I see what people have stared or watched a project?
+ [2015-03-14T04:43:21Z] milki you can click on the number
+ [2015-03-14T04:43:51Z] razieliyo milki, oh, thank you, I would swear I tried that :/