+ [2013-09-12T22:07:06Z] pontiki if that's missing, it doesn't detect the excerpt
+ [2013-09-12T22:07:39Z] jaybe ah; yes - i've noticed before jekyll prefers that leading whitespace between yaml
+ [2013-09-12T22:08:39Z] pontiki but now i have a post where there is no leading whitespace, and it pulls the excerpt...
+ [2013-09-12T22:08:49Z] pontiki oh well, i have to go to an evening class. thanks, jaybe :)
+ [2013-09-12T22:08:58Z] jaybe pontiki, welcome; enjoy

message no. 8508

Posted by jezen in #jekyll at 2013-09-12T09:51:16Z

because this exception is thrown: uninitialized constant Jekyll::Redcarpet.
+ [2013-09-13T14:21:53Z] travis-ci [travis-ci] maul-esel/jekyll#136 (static-manager) The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/maul-esel/jekyll/builds/11324924
+ [2013-09-13T17:14:10Z] sankage I have a couple of specific posts that I would like to use their yaml data for in a view. Is there a way in liquid to directly access specific posts? Something like post_url, but it would return the whole post.
+ [2013-09-13T17:19:43Z] jaybe sankage, could do something such as: {% for post in site.categories.my-reuse-category %} {% if post.id == '/my/reusables/reuse-this' %} <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1> <p>Check out my use of referenced variable: {{ post.variable }}</p>{% endif %}
+ [2013-09-13T17:20:28Z] jaybe … assigning posts to be accessible for "re-use" in category: 'my-reuse-category'