+ [2015-04-08T15:04:56Z] jekyllrb linuxtm: http://jekyllrb.com/docs/permalinks/ . ( 15:05:33 ) <jaybe> learn about permal ... whatis permalinks ) for m ...)
+ [2015-04-08T16:44:33Z] jaybe pontiki!
+ [2015-04-08T17:02:26Z] pontiki i'm about to leave for painting class

message no. 88735

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2015-04-08T17:02:16Z

+ [2015-04-09T04:08:57Z] jaybe $ jekyll build --verbose -f
+ [2015-04-09T16:36:29Z] fibbance Is it possible to 'nest' jekyll websites?
+ [2015-04-09T16:37:21Z] fibbance By which I mean, have a sub-site folder with its own _layout folder, inside the main website folder
+ [2015-04-09T16:38:35Z] jaybe fibbance, yup; i've done this. it's spiffy. however, and unfortunately, _includes can not be arbitrarily assigned. you'd have to leverage symlinks to accomplish - and that sometimes is troublesome depending on platform and version
+ [2015-04-09T16:39:25Z] fibbance So I can just drag-and-drop one jekyll website into a subfolder of another website, and it just works?