+ [2015-04-09T18:18:55Z] jaybe you are welcome; best--
+ [2015-04-09T20:12:19Z] alaing hi does anyone have expereince with using jekyll and github? in particular using site.github namespace locally
+ [2015-04-09T20:15:34Z] alaing https://github.com/jekyll/github-metadata
+ [2015-04-09T20:15:35Z] jekyllrb Title: jekyll/github-metadata ยท GitHub (at github.com)
+ [2015-04-09T20:49:10Z] alaing hi does anyone have expereince with using jekyll and github? in particular using site.github namespace locally

message no. 88945

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-04-09T18:18:55Z

you are welcome; best--
+ [2015-04-10T03:05:59Z] fujino1 hey, jekyll n00b here
+ [2015-04-10T03:06:30Z] fujino1 i'm trying to figure out how to choose a markdown renderer
+ [2015-04-10T05:02:25Z] jaybe fujino1, i'd recommend starting with the default, kramdown; use and enjoy and if it suites your needs, you're fine. it's a sensible, fast renderer.
+ [2015-04-10T05:02:50Z] jaybe `whatis kramdown
+ [2015-04-10T05:02:50Z] jekyllrb jaybe: http://kramdown.gettalong.org