+ [2015-04-10T21:17:33Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at travis-ci.org)
+ [2015-04-11T01:41:03Z] jxf Is there a way I can get kramdown in jekyll to add a class to inline code, but not to block code? I'd like to style inline code specially but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do that.
+ [2015-04-11T10:29:06Z] antimatroid does jekyll rebuild only pages for which content files have been modified, or does it just rebuilt the entire site all the time?
+ [2015-04-11T10:29:41Z] antimatroid and if it does only rebuild pages for which content files have been modified, does it cache pages being built, or rebuilt a page every time from scratch when it's needed?
+ [2015-04-11T22:08:16Z] jxf I want to put my posts into groups of 3; is there a way to say something like "get three posts at a time from site.posts and keep repeating until you're all done"?

message no. 89315

Posted by jxf in #jekyll at 2015-04-11T22:08:16Z

I want to put my posts into groups of 3; is there a way to say something like "get three posts at a time from site.posts and keep repeating until you're all done"?
+ [2015-04-12T03:20:14Z] jaybe jxf, loop with liquid language `whatis liquid` - info about liquid
+ [2015-04-12T03:20:15Z] jekyllrb jxf: https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers . ( 03:20:55 ) <jaybe> loop with liquid l ... whatis liquid - info abou ...)
+ [2015-04-12T03:22:34Z] jxf jaybe: I couldn't find any combination of loop options that would group it as I described, so I just wrote a filter and that seemed easy
+ [2015-04-12T03:23:03Z] jaybe yah if you are wanting to iterate over and over, in groups of 3, and remembering what you've already grouped, etc. ... a filter/plugin would likely be easier/better perhaps
+ [2015-04-12T03:23:46Z] jxf yep, hence why I didn't have much luck with the options in Liquid