+ [2015-04-22T17:46:32Z] cjz yeah, so thats what i was wondering, do you blow away the existing .css and use your own or do you include both or whats the general way to approach this
+ [2015-04-22T17:49:05Z] parkr cjz: generally you'd use 1 CSS file (compressed, etc) for a given style set, so if your new site is identical, then use that
+ [2015-04-22T21:07:38Z] vegardx Do yourself a favor, use bower and a proper css framework, like Foundation.
+ [2015-04-22T23:58:38Z] AlecTaylor How do I get Jekyll (in RVM) working with Grunt? - http://stackoverflow.com/q/29791893

message no. 90865

Posted by cjz in #jekyll at 2015-04-22T16:05:35Z

hi, i want to start styling my jekyll pages to look like the rest of my site, im not finding any good examples of how to approach that
+ [2015-04-23T02:51:53Z] pontiki hello, all o/
+ [2015-04-23T03:07:37Z] jaybe howdy
+ [2015-04-23T04:36:15Z] AlecTaylor How do I get Jekyll (in RVM) working with Grunt? - http://stackoverflow.com/q/29791893
+ [2015-04-23T17:21:44Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll-import#487 The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/59756562
+ [2015-04-23T17:21:46Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at travis-ci.org)