+ [2015-04-23T02:51:53Z] pontiki hello, all o/
+ [2015-04-23T03:07:37Z] jaybe howdy
+ [2015-04-23T04:36:15Z] AlecTaylor How do I get Jekyll (in RVM) working with Grunt? - http://stackoverflow.com/q/29791893
+ [2015-04-23T17:21:44Z] travis-ci jekyll/jekyll-import#487 The build passed. http://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll-import/builds/59756562
+ [2015-04-23T17:21:46Z] jekyllrb Title: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence (at travis-ci.org)

message no. 90936

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2015-04-23T02:51:53Z

hello, all o/
+ [2015-04-24T00:45:31Z] fladd hi there. Does anyone know of a Pygments style that looks like the "new" Github style?
+ [2015-04-24T00:45:46Z] fladd I cannot seem to find that one. Only the old GtHub style
+ [2015-04-24T05:36:48Z] jaybe fladd, style is usually just css; can't you inspect and take and use the css you desire?
+ [2015-04-24T10:05:57Z] fladd jaybe, yes, this is what I am trying right now, but some things are not that obvious to me. So I was hoping that somewhone a bit more knowledgeble then be has dpne it already :-)
+ [2015-04-24T10:28:16Z] leehambley hi all, I'm using Jekyll 2.5.3 with `sass: \n\tsass_dir: dist/sass\n\tcache: false`, but the .sass-cache is still being created (I'm trying to debug why my rather too complex sass includes are not being refreshed properly, and I strongly suspect the cache