+ [2015-05-06T23:12:55Z] ohnx just do #L<number> for a link
+ [2015-05-06T23:13:34Z] ohnx and #L<number>-L<number> for multiple lines
+ [2015-05-06T23:13:38Z] ohnx wallerdev ^
+ [2015-05-06T23:13:44Z] ohnx wallerdev_ ^
+ [2015-05-06T23:14:09Z] wallerdev_ that does lines, but itd be nice to hihglight the specific column i want to point out

message no. 92688

Posted by ohnx in #github at 2015-05-06T23:12:55Z

just do #L<number> for a link
+ [2015-05-07T00:16:13Z] ohnx wallerdev, oh sorry read that wrong
+ [2015-05-07T02:36:48Z] lakelord Hi there.. how can I contact a GitHub project author :?
+ [2015-05-07T02:57:05Z] jblack filing an issue is one way
+ [2015-05-07T05:11:03Z] wethu hello, what happens to pull requests on a branch thats been merged into master, but we want to delete the branch, the PR haven't been merged in yet, PR get nuked too?