+[2015-05-10T09:12:49Z]V1s1blebut I want the page using the layout to be able to specify a variable for the specific category I should use... site.categories.$cattype or something like that +[2015-05-10T09:12:51Z]V1s1bleIs that possible? +[2015-05-10T10:26:22Z]JekyllStarterhi guys. Newfag here. I try to create my own markdown tag. I cannot figure out how to get the "argument" for it. Example: http://pastebin.com/XRAfcQA6 +[2015-05-10T10:26:24Z]jekyllrbTitle: module Jekyll class MyCode < Liquid::Block def initialize(tag_name, ma - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com) +[2015-05-10T10:26:38Z]JekyllStarterI basically need the "cpp" part of {% code cpp %}
I basically need the "cpp" part of {% code cpp %}
+[2015-05-11T01:24:05Z]derick__Hi everyone I'm running into trouble installing the latest version of Jekyll 3. +[2015-05-11T01:24:17Z]derick__When I run the last command, "ls pkg/*.gem | head -n 1 | xargs gem install -l" I get an error: +[2015-05-11T01:24:28Z]derick__You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory. +[2015-05-11T01:24:45Z]derick__Could I please be directed in the right direction? Do I need to install a different version or ruby? +[2015-05-11T02:09:37Z]jaybeenvironments can be challenging