+ [2015-05-16T11:19:09Z] CodyKo What I'm trying to do is, I have a folder structure like _posts/comedy, and _posts/comedy/video. Under those I have my *.md files. I was using the same front-matter for all the stuff under comedy, and then others under comedy_video. So I wanted to set them once using the default... stuff like the type: post (or type: video, which is supported by my theme), and author:, category: etc.
+ [2015-05-16T11:19:20Z] CodyKo But I couldn't seem to get it to pick it up no matter what I used...
+ [2015-05-16T17:24:53Z] Lucretia hi, I'm trying to get vextab to work, but the content gets put between <p> tags, I don't want that. the string i return in my liquid tag is "<div class=\"vex-tabdiv\" width=\"#{@width}\" height=\"#{@height}\" scale=\"1.0\" editor=\"true\" editor_width=\"680\" editor_height=\"330\">#{output}</div>"
+ [2015-05-16T17:25:07Z] Lucretia How can I remove the <p> tags?
+ [2015-05-16T17:26:56Z] Lucretia it's ok, it's working now.

message no. 93835

Posted by Lucretia in #jekyll at 2015-05-16T17:26:56Z

it's ok, it's working now.
+ [2015-05-17T03:24:30Z] napster I host a jekyll blog on Github. The way I do it is a bit different. I host the Jekyll blog locally and I build the site locally and uploads to the github repo as static html pages. What is the best way to include images in my blog?
+ [2015-05-17T03:25:15Z] napster I don't want to upload images somewhere first and grab the URL to include in the post text
+ [2015-05-17T03:26:03Z] napster I need this to do some way quite professionally. Without manual work.
+ [2015-05-17T04:12:51Z] napster Any ideas?
+ [2015-05-17T14:49:24Z] jaybe re: napster-- i would think one would simply [also] upload the images desired to github