+ [2015-05-23T02:31:46Z] pontiki hello
+ [2015-05-23T03:08:42Z] jaybe o/
+ [2015-05-23T13:05:10Z] pontiki morning
+ [2015-05-23T17:15:58Z] jaybe hi
+ [2015-05-23T17:16:12Z] jaybe looks like httpd is not running on talk.jekyllrb.com or something ;\

message no. 94687

Posted by jaybe in #jekyll at 2015-05-23T17:15:58Z

+ [2015-05-24T07:00:44Z] dan- Hey guys, I'm trying to see whether a list contains a certain value, in a template
+ [2015-05-24T07:01:41Z] dan- For instance, something like this: http://pastie.org/private/n7hkbmmvicpuzzbsrfrig
+ [2015-05-24T07:01:42Z] jekyllrb Title: Private Paste - Pastie (at pastie.org)
+ [2015-05-24T07:03:04Z] dan- Something like this, I'm presuming/hoping, though I haven't been able to find it: {% if sw.support contains "3.1" %} {% if "3.1" in sw.support %}
+ [2015-05-24T07:34:37Z] dan- Oh, it is contains, it's just because yaml was interpreting it as a float and jekyll as a string, silly me