+[2015-06-23T12:51:02Z]jekyllrbjaybe: The operation succeeded. +[2015-06-23T12:51:02Z]jaybe`later tell xpheres re: tables with markdown/jekyll: check out `whatis markdown` for basic markdown guidance +[2015-06-23T22:44:51Z]jordiladear #jekyll community ... is rdiscount markdown supported ? +[2015-06-23T22:44:56Z]jordilathanks for your attention +[2015-06-23T22:50:24Z]jordilawell, i could install it anyway, i guess ..."gem install rdiscount"
well, i could install it anyway, i guess ..."gem install rdiscount"
+[2015-06-24T08:54:14Z]michaelpgso i'm trying to follow github's instructions to run jekyll, and everything is failing horribly +[2015-06-24T08:54:43Z]michaelpgi realize it's probably related more to ruby than to jekyll, but i don't have any prior experience with ruby +[2015-06-24T08:56:23Z]michaelpgi've finally managed to install ruby on windows, get the devkit, get "bundle install" to work with the github-pages gem +[2015-06-24T08:56:40Z]michaelpgbut can't get past http://pastebin.com/46vbungT - "cannot load such file -- hitimes/hitimes (LoadError)" +[2015-06-24T08:56:41Z]jekyllrbTitle: D:\dev\myusername.github.io>bundle exec jekyll serve Configuration file: none - Pastebin.com (at pastebin.com)