+ [2015-06-24T21:31:59Z] Seveas that just means you did things like rebase, commit --amend or simply added a file twice in the same commit.
+ [2015-06-24T21:33:12Z] ting_ yes, I was reading about it. Seveas, thank you very much!
+ [2015-06-24T22:12:06Z] pihpah Who knows is it possible to preview GitHub README.md file without committing it?
+ [2015-06-24T22:12:20Z] Seveas it is, using the API.
+ [2015-06-24T22:25:50Z] VxJasonxV pihpah: there are a number of Markdown aware text editors out there. But if you don't want to use it (or can't use it) on your own computer, you can always test it in a gist, or use https://developer.github.com/v3/markdown/

message no. 99571

Posted by Seveas in #github at 2015-06-24T21:31:59Z

that just means you did things like rebase, commit --amend or simply added a file twice in the same commit.
+ [2015-06-25T06:53:18Z] Caelum how do I see all the PRs I submitted that are still outstanding
+ [2015-06-25T09:07:15Z] pessimism How do I update a subtree in /static/typefaces/open-dyslexic with "remote" at https://github.com/antijingoist/open-dyslexic?
+ [2015-06-25T09:16:41Z] bigpet is there anything against the TOS or API rules if I use a github repo just to upload dailies as "releases"
+ [2015-06-25T09:51:11Z] tarkus Where can I learn how _gh_pages thing works?
+ [2015-06-25T10:07:13Z] _rgn google