+ [2013-06-25T14:29:01Z] inque Want to turn off background on classic theme. How can i do this?
+ [2013-06-25T14:29:26Z] inque To be clear: i want to totally tweak my design. What should I read?
+ [2013-06-25T15:39:40Z] jaybe pontiki, thanks, re: site.categories.sort. doesn't seem to be working for me. {% for mycategory in site.categories.sort %} {{ mycategory[0] | category_link }} {{ enfor }}
+ [2013-06-25T15:39:48Z] jaybe produces no output
+ [2013-06-25T18:17:31Z] pontiki_ jaybe, i'm not sure what cztegories is a collection of; which is why you may need to pass a block to sort.

message no. 3413

Posted by inque in #octopress at 2013-06-25T14:29:01Z

Want to turn off background on classic theme. How can i do this?
+ [2013-06-26T13:07:17Z] SamWhited What's the current state of Octopress development? The 2.1 branch was never released, and someone on Github just mentioned 3.0, but I don't see a branch or a separate repo for that.
+ [2013-06-26T14:10:05Z] erick2red is there anyway for me to debug octopress rake preview action ?
+ [2013-06-26T14:10:46Z] erick2red I'm having an error with the octopress_gallery plugin and I want to know how to debug it in order to fix it
+ [2013-06-26T14:26:24Z] jaybe SamWhited, last i heard/knew was that 3.0 is pending but it's still choppy and under development. there were a few dates discussed along the way but it keeps getting pushed back. twitter is likely the best place to stay updated.
+ [2013-06-26T14:28:10Z] inque is there a tutorial how to transform aside into blog-roll like part? right under the footer. oh how to make it solid, without collapsion at least. thanks!