+ [2015-08-29T17:02:37Z] lazyllama Thanks for helping me answer my question :)
+ [2015-08-29T22:17:25Z] pontiki IRC: providing rubber ducking for yeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrs
+ [2015-08-29T22:30:48Z] kanuz Hey people, I'm trying to create a custom excerpt, I'm using the <!--more--> comment inside my .markdown post file and I'm defining the custom excerpt inside the Front Matter of that file like excerpt_separator: <!--more--> but it doesn't work, it takes the default separator. I also included that same definition line inside the _config.yml and it still doesn't do the trick... Any help?
+ [2015-08-29T22:39:12Z] pontiki kanuz: plz show post and _config.yml in gist?
+ [2015-08-29T23:15:43Z] kanuz <pontiki> It worked after a server restart... Weird. Thanks a lot!

message no. 109981

Posted by lazyllama in #jekyll at 2015-08-29T17:02:19Z

Err actually it's not jekylls problem it is the posts problem which contains embedded minified CSS. So nothing Jekyll could do about it, and custome generator is out of the question as it is a github page..
+ [2015-08-30T00:39:53Z] techkid6 hey, so is there a way to use a liquid tag as an argument for another liquid tab in jekyll? specifically I'm using a gem to generate geopatterns, could I do something like {% base64_geo_pattern text={{ page.title }} %}?
+ [2015-08-30T03:39:10Z] jaybe 9/1
+ [2015-08-31T18:19:20Z] magicantler Hey, are there any minamlistic jekyll templates/themes anyone here would recommend?
+ [2015-08-31T18:24:55Z] jaybe definitely