+[2015-08-29T17:02:37Z]lazyllamaThanks for helping me answer my question :) +[2015-08-29T22:17:25Z]pontikiIRC: providing rubber ducking for yeeeeeeaaaaarrrrrs +[2015-08-29T22:30:48Z]kanuzHey people, I'm trying to create a custom excerpt, I'm using the <!--more--> comment inside my .markdown post file and I'm defining the custom excerpt inside the Front Matter of that file like excerpt_separator: <!--more--> but it doesn't work, it takes the default separator. I also included that same definition line inside the _config.yml and it still doesn't do the trick... Any help? +[2015-08-29T22:39:12Z]pontikikanuz: plz show post and _config.yml in gist? +[2015-08-29T23:15:43Z]kanuz<pontiki> It worked after a server restart... Weird. Thanks a lot!
+[2015-08-30T00:39:53Z]techkid6hey, so is there a way to use a liquid tag as an argument for another liquid tab in jekyll? specifically I'm using a gem to generate geopatterns, could I do something like {% base64_geo_pattern text={{ page.title }} %}? +[2015-08-30T03:39:10Z]jaybe9/1 +[2015-08-30T09:35:50Z]pontikihi +[2015-08-31T18:19:20Z]magicantlerHey, are there any minamlistic jekyll templates/themes anyone here would recommend? +[2015-08-31T18:24:55Z]jaybedefinitely