+[2015-09-01T20:54:34Z]jekyllrbTitle: holman/left ยท GitHub (at github.com) +[2015-09-02T22:18:20Z]StevenXLHello everyone. I am having trouble getting syntax highlighting to work on my blog posts. +[2015-09-02T22:18:54Z]StevenXLThe inline backticks work (` # some code here`) but the code blocks work like backticks. +[2015-09-02T22:18:59Z]StevenXLIdentation is lost, etc. +[2015-09-02T22:44:04Z]jaybeStevenXL: use red carpet for markdown.
+[2015-09-03T02:04:07Z]StevenXLjaybe, thanks for the advice. +[2015-09-03T02:04:16Z]StevenXLI actually switched the markdown variable to kramdown +[2015-09-03T02:04:54Z]StevenXLand then I used three tilde (~) characters followed by the language name to start a code block, and then only three tilde characters to end a code block. +[2015-09-03T02:04:57Z]StevenXLThat seems to have done the trick. +[2015-09-03T02:28:44Z]jaybeStevenXL, correct; kramdown uses tilde natively. kramdown provides a GFM (github flavored markdown) option, but it's problematic. the current way to get consistent backtick codeblock behavior is with redcarpet. jekyll sets the fenced code block enabled by default.