+ [2015-09-27T07:05:48Z] jekyllrb Title: Intermediate HTML and CSS (at blog.tamouse.org)
+ [2015-09-27T07:06:08Z] pontiki i used jekyll as the driver for the website :)
+ [2015-09-27T15:14:59Z] jaybe Nice!
+ [2015-09-27T17:06:18Z] MadcapJake If I am using a custom Pygments lexer (I've shadows pygments-main with my custom fork), can I deploy to ghpages? Or does it build the static files with their installed pygments-main?

message no. 114088

Posted by pontiki in #jekyll at 2015-09-27T16:30:26Z

+ [2015-09-28T01:57:50Z] pontiki this looks interesting: http://billyoverton.com/2015/07/27/Jekyll-Gulp-and-Automated-Deployments.html
+ [2015-09-28T01:57:51Z] jekyllrb Title: Setting up Jekyll, Gulp, and Automated Git Deployments (at billyoverton.com)
+ [2015-09-28T21:03:53Z] musicmatze Hi I have a problem with jekyll rendering github gists as it would be markdown... I'm not sure whether it is my fault, the fault of jekyll-gist or whatever...
+ [2015-09-28T21:04:34Z] musicmatze Has someone had a similar problem?
+ [2015-09-29T01:53:26Z] open_def1ance ugh. is ruby >1.8 in yum in some way I'm missing?