+[2015-11-10T21:51:30Z]jaybei access my gems via ~/bin in that scenario +[2015-11-10T21:52:06Z]overcrushi can see that, but that would require a bit of clean-up, potentially a fresh ruby env install +[2015-11-10T21:52:22Z]jaybeyou could create your own links, etc. +[2015-11-10T21:52:31Z]jaybei'm just sharing this to prompt you for ideas/solutions +[2015-11-10T21:53:08Z]overcrushyeah, i'm new to rbenv since i installed el capitan fresh a week ago
Title: Use Jekyll 3 with GitHub Pages · lmmx/devnotes Wiki · GitHub (at github.com)
+[2015-11-11T03:44:40Z]travis-cijekyll/jekyll#6269 (master) The build was broken. https://travis-ci.org/jekyll/jekyll/builds/90451862 +[2015-11-11T04:33:47Z]pontikiovercrush just should have to do an `rbenv rehash` +[2015-11-11T04:33:55Z]pontikiit will create the shim +[2015-11-11T10:25:09Z]PrincessZoeyCan someone explain how to list posts with a specific tag? +[2015-11-11T12:50:03Z]xVinciGood evening, we are a bunch of UT Vienna students and are analyzing the Jekyll Architecture. Can anybody point me towards any in depth documentation about jekyll's architecture? (I already read http://delftswa.github.io/chapters/jekyll/index.html)