+ [2016-06-24T22:14:47Z] pontiki that was a painful convo
+ [2016-06-24T23:06:45Z] jaybe ;) i thought you could deserved that follow up and satisfaction :)
+ [2016-06-24T23:06:53Z] jaybe lol
+ [2016-06-24T23:07:37Z] jaybe ./later tell pontiki "re: 15:09] <pontiki> that was a painful convo; :07:07] <jaybe> ;) i thought you could deserved that follow up and satisfaction :)"
+ [2016-06-24T23:07:38Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.

message no. 140295

Posted by speial in #jekyll at 2016-06-24T08:57:59Z

Hello! In Github Pages, is it possible to set the Content-Type header for files without extensions?
+ [2016-06-25T01:44:32Z] jyaworski All: I just wanted to say that moving to gem themes is a neat idea. Looking forward to it in 3.2.
+ [2016-06-25T08:20:48Z] spudowiar ./later tell jaybe test
+ [2016-06-25T08:20:48Z] jekyllrb The operation succeeded.
+ [2016-06-25T08:29:58Z] lilwiz Anyone know what could be wrong if your local version of a jekyll site is displaying something but the github-version (exactly cloned and all) is showing a different version?
+ [2016-06-25T08:30:22Z] spudowiar Are you using the github-pages gem?