+ [2016-10-27T22:28:40Z] allejo {% raw %} should be enough to escape anything
+ [2016-10-27T22:32:18Z] samcv oh it says it was added to the core engine
+ [2016-10-27T22:34:27Z] samcv ok i got it working :)
+ [2016-10-27T23:34:29Z] ishigoya quick question re pagination: the Jekyll site page on pagination describes using the jekyll-paginate plugin, but I note that's no longer under active development. Are people still using this plugin? Thanks!

message no. 154865

Posted by zero-gravitas in #jekyll at 2016-10-27T13:54:26Z

Question on performance, is `map` more performant at build time than just iterating over a bunch of items and pulling out what I want?
+ [2016-10-28T00:30:15Z] miklb ishigoya yes, it still works. there is also [[paginate]]
+ [2016-10-28T00:30:15Z] jekyllrb (paginate) (#1) https://talk.jekyllrb.com/t/announcement-retiring-jekyll-paginate/1004, or (#2) https://github.com/octopress/paginate
+ [2016-10-28T00:30:24Z] miklb check #2
+ [2016-10-28T00:31:01Z] miklb though that plugin hasn't seen much updating in over a year either
+ [2016-10-28T00:41:11Z] ishigoya Ah thanks, I'll give them both a look!