+ [2016-11-09T20:33:37Z] treehug88 google "github undeleting branches" I've never done what youre looking for but might be possible
+ [2016-11-09T20:57:11Z] caliculk I have already done that unfortunately. It looks like it might have been possible if I still had the original repo on my laptop, but with that also being gone, its forever lost. :(
+ [2016-11-09T21:00:27Z] treehug88 timemachine backup?
+ [2016-11-09T22:10:50Z] tobiasvl I found this, mentioned it in #git earlier but caliculk said it didn't work :/ perhaps someone here knows more about the github API and could help further https://objectpartners.com/2014/02/11/recovering-a-commit-from-githubs-reflog/
+ [2016-11-09T23:09:14Z] porton Do I understand correctly that OAuth access tokens in GitHub are non-expiring and not going to become expiring? And there is no such thing as refresh tokens, isn't there?

message no. 156190

Posted by tobiasvl in #github at 2016-11-09T22:10:50Z

I found this, mentioned it in #git earlier but caliculk said it didn't work :/ perhaps someone here knows more about the github API and could help further https://objectpartners.com/2014/02/11/recovering-a-commit-from-githubs-reflog/
+ [2016-11-10T01:04:34Z] knx32542 Hello, I am looking to use githubarchive to get data on all repositories of a certain language. However, the 'language' field is only availabe for 'PullEvent' and 'ForkEvent', not 'CreateEvent'. Is there a way to accurately get the repositories of said language, even if it is not covered by 'CreateEvent'?
+ [2016-11-10T01:05:20Z] knx32542 This may not be the place to ask, but if you have a better place where I can ask please inform me.
+ [2016-11-10T04:01:22Z] niftylettuce as soon as 100 people ❤️ or retweet this then I will commit/release the official version of CrocodileJS https://twitter.com/niftylettuce/status/796561776267710465
+ [2016-11-10T04:05:06Z] preaction if it was useful, why do you have to spam?
+ [2016-11-10T04:05:59Z] preaction uh. also. what does it have to do with github?