+ [2016-11-10T16:21:33Z] allejo your link is to the actual bootstrap release, in this case the Sass that is used to compile the css which you're welcome to use and build up your website from scratch
+ [2016-11-10T16:22:08Z] allejo the link I added above is a Jekyll template with bootstrap already included and the pages are styled with bootstrap already for you
+ [2016-11-10T16:25:13Z] jalvarez i see i see
+ [2016-11-10T17:19:48Z] somiaj hmm how do I check pygments is being used and not rogue. I have higlighter: pygments in _config.yml, but it isn't finding my custom lexer. I want to check that indeed pymgnets is being used and not rogue. Anyone happen to know a default language that is in pygments but not rogue?
+ [2016-11-10T17:27:51Z] somiaj hmm, I think I got it. Restarting jekyll serve seemd to do the trick.

message no. 156209

Posted by somiaj in #jekyll at 2016-11-10T07:41:04Z

Hello. I have written a custom lexer for pygments and it works fine with pygmentize -l myname, but I can't seem ti find a way to get jekyll to recongize it using {% highlight myname %}
+ [2016-11-11T01:02:51Z] Kireji new to jekyll, have it installed, generated a test and deployed it to remote mahcine. looks like default setup expects the generated pages to start at / on remote machine, not in a different html root. ie, lines like: "<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/main.css">" refer to /assets on top level of server root. I'm planning on deploying to a subdirectory on the final machine, eg at
+ [2016-11-11T01:02:57Z] Kireji https://example.com/bob/writing/*jekyllpageshere*
+ [2016-11-11T01:03:21Z] Kireji so is there a way to change the html root on deployed pages to, for this example, /bob/writing/
+ [2016-11-11T01:05:47Z] jaybe hi. welcome! :) check out [[ baseurl ]]
+ [2016-11-11T01:05:47Z] jekyllrb (baseurl) (#1) https://byparker.com/blog/2014/clearing-up-confusion-around-baseurl/, or (#2) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/configuration/#serve-command-options, or (#3) http://jekyllrb.com/docs/github-pages/#project-page-url-structure, or (#4) https://jekyllrb.com/docs/troubleshooting/#base-url-problems